Alternative for „Low Carbon City“<br>Shenzhen / CN
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19. February 2025

Alternative for „Low Carbon City“

Creative mission

  • Low carbon scientific and economic hub f

Project data

Alternative for „Low Carbon City“
Client Shenzhen ILCC Planning & Construction Leaders Office Shenzhen SEZ Construction & Development Co.,Ltd. Shenzhen Center for Design
Award 2nd prize
Region Asia
Typology Sustainable Planning
Art Competition
Planungszeitraum 2015 - 2015
Field size 100,5 ha

Under the terms of urban planning, architectural and social indicators of the DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council) system, a low-carbon science campus and business location is planned in the city of Pingdi. This is to be implemented in a long-term process by locating it in a newly planned landscape park and gradually integrating urban forms into it.