Road markings, Parklets<br>Reutlingen / GER
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7. September 2024

Road markings, Parklets

Project data

Road markings, Parklets
Construction costs 30.000 € /Parklet
Client City of Reutlingen
Region Europe
Typology Public Spaces / Landscape Planning
Art Implementation planning "Experience Day"
Planungszeitraum 2017 - 2018
Cooperation partner
  • Michael Herb, Rolf Schmid (Holzfachhandel)

A parklet is the extension of the sidewalk to create more space for people instead of parking areas. They are places to relax, sit, grow plants, meet friends or park bicycles. The aim is to support pedestrians and cyclists as road users and promote urban coexistence. All those who are in the mood to use and shape public space are addressed. As part of the "Erlebnistag Oststadt", three parklets with different usages have been made available to the public. The citizens themselves are responsible for the maintenance. In addition to typical seating options, there are three focal points of the different Parklets.

- Bicycle repair and rest with a bed of fresh mint

- Exchange with lockable, weather-protected boxes and illuminated seating area

- Fun and games with an installed chess field