New Town<br>Qidu Island<br>Wenzhou / CHN
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15. January 2025

Qidu Island

Project data

Qidu Island
Award 1. place
Region Asia
Typology New Town/District Planning
Art Competition
Planungszeitraum 2004 - 2004
Field size 1.300 ha ha
Number of inhabitants 50.000
Cooperation partner
  • Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen/ China

Development of a New Town on the island

Wenzhou City is a typical sea port along the east sea. Situated in a valley, it is surrounded by mountains. Despite its beautiful ecologically precious natural surroundings, the city itself lacks an adequate amount of green spaces. Courtyard houses and row houses are the typical types of building in the city. Based on the existing variety of living culture, of business and of cuisine, Qido has all possibilities to become a major tourist destination for future.
The planning task was the development of a New Town on the island with Central Business Functions (CBD), Housing and residential areas, education and formation, entertainment and sport facilities, located in a water park-landscape. Through the diversity of attractions, the new island town should also become a tourist area.
Main Design Idea
The Urban Design Concept for Qidu Island is based on a theoretical model, which combines the three pillars of city planning: land-use, traffic and city architecture. The three-level model of urban design, dealing with urban image, urban appearance and urban form, is synchronised with the corresponding layers of land-use and traffic, all of them based on a comprehensive ecological layer. This theory-model is enhanced through physical, cultural and ecological aspects and serves as a guideline for the development of the project. The main design objectives are a highly attractive image for the New Qidu Island Town and the combination of functional, cultural, aesthetical and ecological contents in an outstanding mixture of land-use based activities, traffic-based sequence sceneries and-from street space to city silhouette-the various aspects of city appearance. Last, but not least, developing out of the island form and its parcelled–out structure, the swinging liveliness of the organic form of the urban design concept; both in the two-dimensional master-plan and in the three-dimensional high-and building mass development.